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Each individual in this planet earth we called LIFE - has a purpose, a specific reason, unique gift or special talent for being alive at this lifetime.

Whatever path, obstacles you are currently facing on - always has its ‘roots’ , reason or why.

This session - Blockages Removals / attack .

Energy exchange start from $800 ( depends on each individual's issue)

personal struggles, any issues, information or Healing in any 'area'

-Energy Work

-Remote Viewing

-Distance Work (Multidimensional and beyond*)

-Energy Healing


-Protection methods and practices ( after session )

-Remove any blockages/implants/attack


(*Reminder* healing is a layer in this life, everyone has their phases and cycle or stages), this session aim at uncovering your 'calling', true nature and help you to access your personal power in order to walk your path of purpose or to assist your current journey/situation you are going through from your current situation/blockages(attack) .


As a gifted Intuitive Healer, Ultra Auto Channeler and Empath Medium, I have help others with more than sixteen years from all walks of life, I am gifted with Ultra Sensory Perception.

Authenticity is my middle name.


please read my FAQ, RULES, Terms and Conditions before book with me .




1.Intention, focus and in quiet place.

2. by chat here/text/emails (Please send the "Subject", and all info related, Recent Pictures, DOB, and so on -intuitively . )

3.When you are ready only.

4. Stay in Quiet place, i kindly ask you to avoid drugs or alcohol.

5.Hydrate or try to be grounded and focus for the BEST ACCURATE work and results.



Octavia Dingss Quotes :


"Solitude is power."

"Energy is the Highest Currency in the Whole Universe."

"The most Powerful Medicine is Frequency."

"This life is temporary, if we can help other, help them. if we can't, do no harm."

"Give from heart, Receive from heart, it is all about Balance."


All my way of Reading, Healing, Mentoring, Sessions of all kind ; My Main purpose is to Help.

to get the most accurate and best results .

please come to me when your are serious, ready and comitted.


Copy Paste*

All Results

If there is any Negative Outcomes, I "might" help with 'repell' or minimize the negative outcome and work, assist my best to 'ease' the potential negative outcome with my own Manifestation (as a Leader of Earth Angels, Alchemist and Transmuter.), beside some Suggestion and advices.

and I will auto or non auto sharing, giving advices, methods to reader .

-Everyone is different, and my way of work as well.

it is all about alignment and vibrational frequency connection.



I AM an Artist, Technology Media, Inventor, Designer in many fields, and other work services. this is part of my life path and mission from Universe, to assist others with my gifts. and again, my main purpose is to HELP Serious and Open hearted, Open Minded People, thank you.


Come to me when you are Serious and truly want to commit for your ownself only.

(Respect and Commitment.)



Ask us for any questions.


P.S.A oif there is any request to communicate more through different method, (add) -> there is Energy Fee exchange added as well (BALANCE IS KEY)

$55 for 30 minutes .


RV= Remote Viewing

RH= Remote Healing or Distance Healing


After I Confirmed, booking fulfilled ; paid.

(-Paid Upfront. -When booked, Confirmed, There is no Cancellations or refund.) SO, again I highly ask you to read all thoroughly and decide well and serious.



PLEASE NOTE : I don’t accept all clients request randomly, contact me first if aligned. Thanks for understanding.


*Intuitive reading / Spiritual Medium / Medium / Channeler

is a three-way system of communication in which a spirit communicates with a spiritual medium, the spiritual medium receives and transmits the information to the recipient of the reading

and the recipient/client identifies the messages/results in spirit that is coming through and opens themselves up to the messages that are being shared to the Spiritual Medium/Intuitive/Reader .

#RespecttheSpirit #balancework #seriouscooperativework #Respect #Fairness #ThankYou

PLEASE read the Sections, FAQ, Rules below before booking with me.:)


~the FAQ section​ ( Purpose ) Anyone looking for insight regarding their life, which includes relationships, career, personal struggles, potential futuristic outcomes, healing, etc. Readings/Insights are a great tool for validation and Guidance. Legal and health advice: I am neither a Doctor nor Licensed Psychologist and do not offer legal or health advice. I can, however, help you to navigate the rough parts of your life as you go through any such challenges.


Notes : You are responsible to make your own decisions and choices. How do I best prepare for a reading? ‘Come’ with an open mind and heart. Stay Hydrate. Be in a Quiet Place. And I kindly ask that you refrain from drugs or alcohol the day of the Reading, Appointment for the most accurate results. ❤️🙏


When Booked. Cancellation policy. I don’t provide refunds for cancellations. Thanks for understanding.


P.S.A Confidentiality: I take your privacy seriously and vice versa.



P.S.A : Per Spirits Advices - BEST Payment Options for now, if you don't like PayPal : Online Debit, International Transfer (Bank) or

Via Wise Transfer.:

my wise email :



Please Check FAQ & Terms before booking with me.

For the Highest good of all, Harm None always.


With Universal love, gratitude and light always,




For The Earth, World and all sides/Participant. Planting extra Good Deeds.

💌 A portion of any of your Session, Services Booking and any Purchase of an original Coded ODSS Angel’s or OCTAVIA Style-inspired design goes to the where the helps currently needed the most, Mother Nature, my own ‘Earth, Humanity Selfless, Planetary and Earth Grid Works’ , Charity, people in urgent needs (Non Profits, Individual and Environment, Mother Nature.) to support this Earth, World and Humanity.


Authenticity, Balance, Gratitude and Humility

(FULY BOOKED) Blockages / Implants Removals . Limited Open session* 2022 March

SKU: r1732999xd
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